Welcome to Centre
For Early Child Education

Welcome to The Centre For Early Childhood Education. We are delighted to have you and your child as part of our Child Care family.

We are confident that you will find our Child Care Centre a fun and enjoyable place for your child. Our many years of operating experience have led to a well-balanced program serving many diverse areas and cultures within our community. Our programs are designed to provide a variety of stimulating activities to meet the special interests of each age group as well as the unique and individual needs of each child.

Our Parent Handbook will provide you with further information and important details about The Centre For Early Childhood Education. Please keep it and use it for reference in the years to come. Complete the enclosed Registration Package and return it to the Centre prior to your child’s starting date.

Thank you for choosing The Centre For Early Childhood Education. We hope that by working together, we can provide your child with the best possible start in life.

parents choose us

Why Us?


Years of Operation


Qualified Teachers


Happy Children

Our Philosophy

The Centre For Early Childhood Education believes that children are competent, capable and curious and have great potential. The goal of The Centre For Early Childhood Education is to support positive and responsive interactions among the children, parents and staff. Partnership between families and The Centre For Early Childhood Education is essential for the optimal growth and development of young children. We believe that the learning environment consists of everyone, (children, educators, and families) working together with a sense of belonging. The role of our educators is to guide children in an inclusive and supportive environment in which children learn through exploration, play and inquiry. It is through children’s ideas, interests, and observations that help create a holistic picture of children’s experiences, development and learning which supports planning and curriculum that is meaningful to children. The Ministry of Education’s Elect (Early Learning for Every Child Today) early learning framework is the continuum which supports our play based learning environment.

Our History

The Centre For Early Childhood Education has been providing child care in the Rexdale Community since 1982. The concept of a child care centre located inside a Public School was relatively uncommon. During the early eighties, enrollment pressures in Public Schools were being felt and as a result our founders approached the Etobicoke Board of Education with a prospect of opening a Child Care Centre inside the Elms Junior Middle School in hopes of boosting their enrollment. In the Spring of 1982 The Centre For Early Childhood Education inside the Elms Junior Middle School opened. The Centre was given two classrooms to initially operate. The Principal at the time was Don Cooper. Through word of mouth, the Centre grew at a rapid pace increasing its classroom occupancy from 2 to 4. Operating in a school certainly had its challenges, the Centre being a new concept in a school, strived for acceptance and recognition. In 1983 The Centre For Early Childhood Education was successfully operating at its full enrollment capacity of 86 and a purchase agreement with the City of Toronto was obtained.

EnrolL Your Child

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Or Call 416.746.6542