We are frequently asked about:

Once I place my child's name on the Wait List, when will I be contacted?

Feel free to contact us to check your status anytime. Please notify us if there are any changes to the information provided on the wait list form (i.e. address, contact phone numbers etc.) We will not contact you unless we are able to offer your child a space.

What if someone else is picking up my child?

If someone else other than yourself or the authorized pick-ups listed on your child's registration is picking-up your child, you are required to notify the Centre in writing or by phone. If someone shows up without your notification, we will contact you for verbal approval before releasing the child. Picture ID of the individual picking-up the child is required.

Do you offer subsidies if I cannot afford the full fee?

Families can apply for an Ontario Child Care Subsidy through their local municipality. Please visit the City of Toronto Children's Services website for additional on how to apply.

Should I keep my child at home if he/she is sick?

If your child develops an infection, you are responsible for keeping him/her at home. If your child gets sick at daycare, we will contact you to make arrangements to have your child picked-up. Your child should not return until he/she is well enough to participate in the program.

Do I get a refund if my child is absent due to illness or vacation?

No. We base our costs on the number of children in our programs. As such, we cannot offer refunds if your child misses days due to illness, vacation, or other absences.

Do you issue a Tax Receipt?

Yes. We provide you with an official Tax Receipt on or before February 28 of each year.

Do I have to provide a deposit to hold my child's spot?

No. Once a spot has been provided to your child, we only charge a onetime non-refundable registration fee of $25.00

Is priority given to someone who already has a child(ren) in the daycare?

Yes. Parents with children already attending the daycare have priority enrollment for siblings.

My child is attending Full Day Kindergarten. Do I have to register him/her for the B/A FDK Program?

If your child is currently attending the daycare, he/she will automatically flip into the program. If your child attends the school in which the daycare is situated, then you must register for the program. Only children attending the school qualify for the program.